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Post by UniTrader » Mon, 21. Dec 15, 21:17

ah, ok.. sounds to me like you are missing an <event_conversation_returned_to_section/> in your MD part..
if not stated otherwise everything i post is licensed under WTFPL

Ich mache keine S&M-Auftragsarbeiten, aber wenn es fragen gibt wie man etwas umsetzen kann helfe ich gerne weiter ;)

I wont do Script&Mod Request work, but if there are questions how to do something i will GLaDly help ;)

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Post by YorrickVander » Mon, 21. Dec 15, 22:12

Hah! Yes, that was it. I was so certain it was a flaw in my lua I didn't think to check for an event in the xml... Nice one Uni you're a star.
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Coerce to component

Post by jth » Wed, 23. Dec 15, 14:01

This code is triggered by

Code: Select all

<raise_lua_event name="'cArch_deployatstation'" param="$playerstation"/>

Code: Select all

function menu.cArch_deployatstation(eventname, eventparam)
	DebugError("Hello World " .. eventname .. " " .. GetComponentData(eventparam, "name") )
	Helper.closeMenuForSubSection(menu, false, eventname, { 0, 0, eventparam})
This code is managing to output

[=ERROR=] Hello World cArch_deployatstation Foodstuffs Supply I

but its then meant to pass a component to cArch_deployatstation

[Scripts] *** Context:md.NPC_Architect.SectionHandler<inst:1e891>: <event_conversation_next_section> section: 'cArch_deployatstation'
[Scripts] *** Context:md.NPC_Architect.SectionHandler<inst:1e891>: [0,0,component.{0x1cba1L}]

but instead it just passes the objectid

[Scripts] *** Context:md.NPC_Architect.SectionHandler<inst:42dae>: <event_conversation_next_section> section: 'cArch_deployatstation'
[Scripts] *** Context:md.NPC_Architect.SectionHandler<inst:42dae>: [0LF,0LF,269100LF]

How do I coerce or change eventparam into a component ?


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Post by stefanEgo » Mon, 28. Dec 15, 13:18

@jth: Glad you found out the details about how to use the interface between Lua and MD already. We are aware that the provided interface is quite limited and would like to improve that at some point. Unfortunately, this is not as simple as it might sound. I've added a feature request for you to extend the interface to also allow passing on tables as a parameter which I believe should cover your requirements, no? https://www.egosoft.com:8443/jira/browse/XRUIMOD-102
For the time being serializing the parameters, as you already pointed out, is one way to work around this limitation.

@jth: Regarding the script error you get: What's going on behind the scene here is related to how components (or rather componentIDs) are handled in the UI and MD. See the section about FFI IDs and Lua IDs here: https://wiki.egosoft.com:1337/X%20Rebir ... d%20guide/
In your case you pass the eventparam to Helper.closeMenuForSubSection. That parameter is then converted (recursively for tables) to a plain integer (see helper.lua Helper.closeMenuForSubSection() and Helper.convertComponentIDs()). Hence when passed back to MD you lost the data type infomration that the ID is actually a component. Therefore in MD you have to tell that the provided "integer" is actually a component and create a componentID again as in (pseudo code):

Code: Select all

Again, this limitation is something we'd like to remove at some point to simplify UI modding further. I've added a corresponding JIRA issue for that one now: https://www.egosoft.com:8443/jira/browse/XRUIMOD-103
Stefan Hett

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Post by bm01 » Tue, 5. Jan 16, 08:07


I ran into a problem with the workshop tool and the buildvcat command.

Basically the ui.xml file is properly inserted in / copied to ext_01, but an empty one (0 byte) is inserted in ext_v361, which prevent the real ui.xml file from being read if I launch X Rebirth 3.61. Removing that empty file worked.

My v361 folder is a copy of my base folder (with minor changes), but without contents.xml and ui.xml. I haven't tried to add ui.xml to v361/ because I don't think that's what we're supposed to do, but maybe I'm wrong.

WorkshopTool output

Sorry if it's not the proper place to report that issue.

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Post by KlausM » Tue, 5. Jan 16, 15:59

bm01 wrote:My v361 folder is a copy of my base folder (with minor changes), but without contents.xml and ui.xml. I haven't tried to add ui.xml to v361/ because I don't think that's what we're supposed to do, but maybe I'm wrong.
The ui.xml has to be in the v361 folder as well, that should fix your problem. The catalog tool detects that the ui.xml is present in the root folder but missing in v361, so it adds the 0-byte file, which marks it as "deleted".

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Post by bm01 » Wed, 6. Jan 16, 12:22

It worked. I should have tested that before posting, sorry!

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Post by jth » Tue, 19. Jan 16, 14:13

stefanEgo wrote:@jth: Glad you found out the details about how to use the interface between Lua and MD already. We are aware that the provided interface is quite limited and would like to improve that at some point. Unfortunately, this is not as simple as it might sound. I've added a feature request for you to extend the interface to also allow passing on tables as a parameter which I believe should cover your requirements, no? http://www.egosoft.com:8282/jira/browse/XRUIMOD-102
For the time being serializing the parameters, as you already pointed out, is one way to work around this limitation.

@jth: Regarding the script error you get: What's going on behind the scene here is related to how components (or rather componentIDs) are handled in the UI and MD. See the section about FFI IDs and Lua IDs here: http://www.egosoft.com:8292/confluence/ ... rted+guide
In your case you pass the eventparam to Helper.closeMenuForSubSection. That parameter is then converted (recursively for tables) to a plain integer (see helper.lua Helper.closeMenuForSubSection() and Helper.convertComponentIDs()). Hence when passed back to MD you lost the data type infomration that the ID is actually a component. Therefore in MD you have to tell that the provided "integer" is actually a component and create a componentID again as in (pseudo code):

Code: Select all

Again, this limitation is something we'd like to remove at some point to simplify UI modding further. I've added a corresponding JIRA issue for that one now: http://www.egosoft.com:8282/jira/browse/XRUIMOD-103
Thanks for the information

I have modified my script a bit to incorporate a ConvertStringToLuaID(eventparam) which seems to get it into the right format

Code: Select all

-- Auto answer for structural rebuild conversations
local utf8 = require("utf8")

local menu = {
	name = "STRebuildConversationControl"

local function init()
	Menus = Menus or { }
	table.insert(Menus, menu)
	if Helper then
	RegisterEvent("cArch_deployatstation", menu.cArch_deployatstation)

function menu.cArch_deployatstation(eventname, eventparam)
	DebugError(eventname .. " - " .. GetComponentData(eventparam, "name") .. " " .. string.format("0x%x", eventparam))
	Helper.closeMenuForSubSection(menu, false, eventname, { 0, 0, ConvertStringToLuaID(eventparam)})

function menu.cleanup()

If I run it then I get

[=ERROR=] cArch_deployatstation - Foodstuffs Supply I 0x1c50f
[=ERROR=] Invalid call to UnregisterEvent(). Given script function must be a function but is 'nil'
[=ERROR=] Invalid call to UnregisterEvent(). Given script function must be a function but is 'nil'

but it does trigger the call into the Architect script

[Scripts] *** Context:md.NPC_Architect.SectionHandler<inst:1d6db>: <event_conversation_next_section> section: 'cArch_deployatstation'
[Scripts] *** Context:md.NPC_Architect.SectionHandler<inst:1d6db>: [0LF,0LF,component.{0x1c50fL}]

and the CV dutifully deploys to the station

.... however if I then re-run the whole mod again on the same station then it does something very strange :(

Mod pseudo code

Code: Select all

Build a new station on the same spot
Clone the station structure
Calculate the difference in cost betwen the new and old stations

Ask if you want to procede

If Yes
Move the NPC's over
Rename the new station
Delete the old station
Recreate the Architect on the original CV
Deploy to station  -- this is where the lua comes in

Code: Select all

              <start_conversation actor="$Architect" conversation="st_struct_rebuild"/>
              <raise_lua_event name="'cArch_deployatstation'" param="$playerstation"/>
[=ERROR=] cArch_deployatstation - aOld Foodstuffs Supply I 0x33bce
[General] ======================================
[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] Invalid call to UnregisterEvent(). Given script function must be a function but is 'nil'
[=ERROR=] Invalid call to UnregisterEvent(). Given script function must be a function but is 'nil'
[=ERROR=] cArch_deployatstation - aOld Foodstuffs Supply I 0x33bce
[=ERROR=] Invalid call to UnregisterEvent(). Given script function must be a function but is 'nil'
[=ERROR=] Invalid call to UnregisterEvent(). Given script function must be a function but is 'nil'

What it is doing is re-running the second half of the md script. There are some debug_text commands in there and I get two complete sets of debug comments for the second half

I can also actually hear the beep beep of it opening two conversations

Unfortunately the two instances of the second half of the script interfere with each other and the CV fails to "Deploy to station" the second time :(

I think that it may be something to do with Helper.closeMenuForSubSection which may be going back to the "Ask if you want to procede" and running it again

I have a feeling that there is something in the functions that closeMenuForSubSection calls that is generating the two lines

[=ERROR=] Invalid call to UnregisterEvent(). Given script function must be a function but is 'nil'
[=ERROR=] Invalid call to UnregisterEvent(). Given script function must be a function but is 'nil'

What I really need it to do is a bare bones closeMenuForSubSection and do not return back anywhere

I have had a look at the other possibilities in helper.lua but don't really know what to do

Help :)



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Post by stefanEgo » Wed, 20. Jan 16, 15:51

@jth: From the looks at the presented code, everything seems right. Guessing, the two UnregisterEvent() errors you get are related to the code in helper.lua: clearMenu() (which is triggered by ur call to Helper.closeMenuForSubSection()).

These two UnregisterEvent() calls are unregistering event callbacks which are registered by your call to Helper.registerMenu() so that part seems to be fine at first glimpse.

All I could imagine is that for whatever reason in ur case Helper is nil (you can check that by adding some output there). In this case you would register a callback (cArch_deployatstation) which then triggers the UnregisterEvent-calls without the corresponding events having been registered first and (what would trigger the error) the actual callback functions not having been defined.

What causes that, I cannot determine by the provided code here.

Maybe that info helps you to trace the problem down a bit?

If not, maybe you can provide a sample addon which I could test directly?
Stefan Hett

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Uniquely identifying a production module within a station

Post by jth » Thu, 21. Jan 16, 14:09

I am working on some code to put a throttle on production modules

The heavy lifting needs to be done in lua code

I am intending to replace the menu_production code with a customised version.

menu_production gets passed two parameters, the station and the production module

A lot of stations have more than one production line of the same type.

In a FoodStuffs Supply I need to be able to identify which Valley forge is which. So that I can adjust the throttle later, on the right one.

Obviously I cannot use objectID as they change every time the game is reloaded.

Is it possible to get the build stage of a particular production module or find a couple of parameters that combined together uniquely identify a specfic production module within a station ?

It needs to be valid over save games and survive the player extending the station ....

EDIT 18:40

Put together some code borrowed heavily from menu_buildtree.lua that goes through the station buildtree and finds the buildstage for each production module

Code: Select all

	DebugError("Station is " .. GetComponentData(menu.object, "name"))
	DebugError("Module is " .. GetComponentData(menu.module, "name"))

	DebugError("Module " .. tostring(menu.module))
	menu.buildtree = GetBuildTree(menu.object)
	table.sort(menu.buildtree, function (a, b) return a.name < b.name end)
	for seqidx, seqdata in ipairs(menu.buildtree) do
		if seqdata.sequence == "a" then
			modules = GetBuildStageModules(menu.object, "", 0)
			for _, module in ipairs(modules) do
				if module.library == "moduletypes_production" then
					DebugError("[a,0] " .. module.name .. " " .. tostring(module.component))
		for stageidx, stagedata in ipairs(seqdata) do
			if stagedata.stage <= seqdata.currentstage or menu.task == "building" then
				DebugError("[" .. seqdata.sequence .. "," .. stagedata.stage .. "] " .. stagedata.name .. " " .. tostring(stagedata.primarycomponent))

[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] Station is Foodstuffs Supply I
[General] ======================================
[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] Module is Liquor Still
[General] ======================================
[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] Module ID: 16881844
[General] ======================================
[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] [a,0] Foodstuff Fac ID: 16819627
[General] ======================================
[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] [a,1] Foodstuff Fac ID: 16878931
[General] ======================================
[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] [b,1] Valley Forge ID: 16819617
[General] ======================================
[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] [b,2] Valley Forge ID: 16879060
[General] ======================================
[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] [c,1] Liquor Still ID: 16881844
[General] ======================================
[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] [d,1] Argnu Paradise ID: 16879153
[General] ======================================
[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] [e,1] Spice Tubes ID: 16803969
[General] ======================================
[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] [f,1] Container Storage ID: 16882068
[General] ======================================

A good days work :)

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Post by stefanEgo » Fri, 22. Jan 16, 12:37

@jth: Take a look at GetComponentData() with the properties "sequence" and "stage". That might be what you are looking for.
Stefan Hett

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Post by jth » Fri, 22. Jan 16, 18:18

stefanEgo wrote:@jth: Take a look at GetComponentData() with the properties "sequence" and "stage". That might be what you are looking for.
Didn't spot those parameters yesterday :(

It is certainly a bit shorter and simpler than my effort. Have added something to take care of [a,0]

Code: Select all

	local sequence, stage = GetComponentData(component, "sequence", "stage")
	if sequence == "" then 
		sequence = "a" 
	DebugError("BuildStage [" .. sequence .. "," .. stage .. "]")


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How do I remove a specific entry from a BlackBoard table in lua

Post by jth » Tue, 26. Jan 16, 16:39

I am storing a list of production modules on the manager's Blackboard in a lua script

Its using $manager.$ProdData as a table and storing each production module as a sub table

I want to remove one of them

how do I do that in lua ?

Do I read $ProdData into a temp table, delete the specific entry and then save the amended table back onto the BlackBoard ?

or is there a simpler way to do it ?



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Re: How do I remove a specific entry from a BlackBoard table in lua

Post by Phipsz » Wed, 27. Jan 16, 02:04

jth wrote:I am storing a list of production modules on the manager's Blackboard in a lua script

Its using $manager.$ProdData as a table and storing each production module as a sub table

I want to remove one of them

how do I do that in lua ?

Do I read $ProdData into a temp table, delete the specific entry and then save the amended table back onto the BlackBoard ?

or is there a simpler way to do it ?


it should be

Code: Select all

table.remove($manager.$ProdData, index)
or, if the table is key-based

Code: Select all

$manager.$ProdData[module] = nil
with index(integer) and module of course being variables containing the respective content

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Re: How do I remove a specific entry from a BlackBoard table in lua

Post by jth » Wed, 27. Jan 16, 19:02

Phipsz wrote:it should be

Code: Select all

table.remove($manager.$ProdData, index)
or, if the table is key-based

Code: Select all

$manager.$ProdData[module] = nil
with index(integer) and module of course being variables containing the respective content
Thanks will give it a try


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Extending the menu-production screen

Post by jth » Thu, 28. Jan 16, 16:39

I need to add some extra functionality into menu-production to support my station production throttling mod

I was initially thinking of a slider at the bottom

For most production modules a single slider is all that is needed but for the Missile and Turret Forges I need to show all the possible products and be able to select and use a slider on each of them.

This could possibly be done by switching from a TwoTableView to a TwoTableSliderView. I have attempted to bolt bits of menu_build_production_slider in but without much luck

I added in

Code: Select all

	local sliderinfo = {
		["background"] = "tradesellbuy_blur", 
		["captionLeft"] = "", 
		["captionCenter"] = "", 
		["captionRight"] = "", 
		["min"] = 0,
		["minSelectable"] = 0,
		["max"] = 100,
		["zero"] = 0,
		["start"] = 50
	local scale1info = { 
		["left"] = nil,
		["right"] = nil,
		["center"] = false,
		["inverted"] = false,
		["suffix"] = nil
	local scale2info = {
		["left"] = nil,
		["right"] = nil,
		["center"] = false,
		["factor"] = nil,
		["inverted"] = true,
		["suffix"] = nil
	local sliderdesc = Helper.createSlider(sliderinfo, scale1info, scale2info, 1, Helper.sliderOffsetx, 443)
and changed

Code: Select all

	-- create tableview
	menu.infotable, menu.selecttable = Helper.displayTwoTableView(menu, infodesc, selectdesc, false)

Code: Select all

	-- create tableview
	menu.infotable, menu.selecttable, menu.slider = Helper.displayTwoTableSliderView(menu, infodesc, selectdesc, sliderdesc, true)
and got the following

[=ERROR=] CWidgetController::SetUpView() - Validation error: 'Script error: 'Invalid tab orders. Tab orders must be unique.'

That has me stumped

My alternative thoughts were to turn it into a ThreeTableView and add some buttons at the bottom but that ran into a different hitch. Is there an easy way to convert from a two tableview to a three ?

I was also considering adding a "production module throttling" section and list of all the available products to the bottom of the infotable but with the "encyclopedia" button redirected to a separate slider menu. That might just cover the missile and turret forges.

I don't really know what is the best way to go and as usual am attempting the olympic sprint before being able to walk :)

Having hit a brick wall with the first two options I may spend some time investigating the third

Any thoughts, documentation (beyond the listings for helper.lua) ?


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Post by stefanEgo » Fri, 29. Jan 16, 12:06


Code: Select all

Helper.createSlider(sliderinfo, scale1info, scale2info, 1, Helper.sliderOffsetx, 443) 
Given the error you get, it's likely you created two elements with the same tab order (aka: 1). Simply change the 1 to something else (presumably 3) and the error should be resolved.

I see that the helper.lua file (in ego_fullscreenHelper) is missing the taborder in the comment. I've corrected that locally and the corrected docu is expected to make it in the next build.

Note that the taborder inside a view specifies the order interactive elements can be tabbed through (by pressing the tab key) and therefore each element must have a unique tab order number.
Stefan Hett

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Post by jth » Fri, 29. Jan 16, 14:59

stefanEgo wrote:@jth:

Code: Select all

Helper.createSlider(sliderinfo, scale1info, scale2info, 1, Helper.sliderOffsetx, 443) 
Given the error you get, it's likely you created two elements with the same tab order (aka: 1). Simply change the 1 to something else (presumably 3) and the error should be resolved.

I see that the helper.lua file (in ego_fullscreenHelper) is missing the taborder in the comment. I've corrected that locally and the corrected docu is expected to make it in the next build.

Note that the taborder inside a view specifies the order interactive elements can be tabbed through (by pressing the tab key) and therefore each element must have a unique tab order number.
Thanks for that explanation.

That got me a slider at the bottom of the page :)

However the page doesn't have an up down slider on the right hand side any more and I have a lot of stuff on that page :(

I have had a bit of a play at getting the up down slider back but it looks to get very complicated very fast. It looks like it turns into a complicated geometry problem

Is there any way to simply get the up down slider back or does the TwoTableSliderView not practically allow an up down slider on the right hand side when you have a left right slider at the bottom ?

As a bit of lateral thinking can I add one or more slider(s) as a table entry(s) to a TwoTableView, make the row taller and say pop it\them in as the second column ?

I am trying to get a grip on what is possible\practical and what would need a lot of work by someone that knows what they are doing


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Slider documentation

Post by jth » Mon, 1. Feb 16, 12:37

I am experimenting with the slider and making some progress but would like to know what some of the parameters do. I have looked in the helper.lua file

I found most of the following in menu_build_upgrades_slider.lua and have tweaked it a bit

Code: Select all

	local sliderinfo = {
		["background"] = "tradesellbuy_blur", 
		["captionLeft"] = ReadText(1001, 19) .. " " .. ReadText(1001, 1600) .. " (0)", 
		["captionCenter"] = "Production Brake", 
		["captionRight"] = ReadText(1001, 1601) .. " (" .. menu.maxslider .. ")", 
		["min"] = 0,
		["minSelectable"] = 0,
		["max"] = menu.maxslider,
		["zero"] = 0,
		["start"] = math.floor(menu.prodbrake * menu.maxslider)
	local scale1info = { 
		["left"] = nil,
		["right"] = nil,
		["center"] = true,
		["inverted"] = false,
		["suffix"] = nil
	local scale2info = {
		["left"] = nil,
		["right"] = nil,
		["center"] = false,
		["factor"] = nil,
		["inverted"] = true,
		["suffix"] = nil
The sliderinfo seems reasonably self documenting

scale1info and scale2info are less obvious. I made a guess on scalinfo1 and set center to true and a number popped up a the right hand side of the slider which is what I was looking for

Is there any way to scale that number ?


Had a further play and came up with

Code: Select all

	local scale1info = { 
		["left"] = nil,
		["right"] = nil,
		["center"] = false,
		["inverted"] = false,
		["suffix"] = nil
	local scale2info = {
		["left"] = nil,
		["right"] = nil,
		["center"] = true,
		["factor"] = (100 / menu.maxslider) or 100,
		["inverted"] = true,
		["suffix"] = "%"
It looks like there are two possible numbers that can appear immediately to the right of the slider bar, scale1info controls the first and scale2info the second. If you use both then the second number automatically gets a set of () around it. The second appears to be the most formattable

and my code produces 0% - 100%. So that answers my scaling question

left, right, inverted ?

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Post by stefanEgo » Mon, 1. Feb 16, 13:16

@jth: The scrollbar will appear on the table, if the table grows too large. If you ensure that the slider is visible, it will never "go out of view".
Adding multiple sliders on a single view is on our list already. No ETA when this will be possible however atm. In theory you could achieve this, but it would require heavy modifications on the widget system.
Regardling the scale1info/scale2info entries: By design a single slider can represent two distinct scales. So by moving the slider, you practically can change two different values. Documentation for the scale1info is as follows:

Code: Select all

["left"]     = number|nil = nil,	-- value displayed on the left side (representing a slider position of 0 - nil => no display)
["right"]    = number|nil = nil,	-- value displayed on the right side (representing a slider position of 0 - nil => no display)
["center"]   = true|false = true,	-- indicates whether the current scale value is to be displayed on the center of the slider
["minLimit"] = number|nil = nil,	-- the minimal value the scale will display, even if the slider indicates a smaller value (nil => no limit)
["maxLimit"] = number|nil = nil,	-- the maximal value the scale will display, even if the slider indicates a larger value (nil => no limit)
["inverted"] = true|false = false,	-- indicates whether left/right behavior is inverted (i.e. if false, value changes will be subtracted on the left side and added to the right side)
["factor"]   = number     = 1,		-- factor which the slider value is multiplied with to set the values
["floored"]  = true|false = true,	-- indicates whether the displayed scale values are floored (true) or ceiled (false)
["suffix"]   = string     = ""		-- suffix which is being printed after the scale values
Stefan Hett

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