Guide to creating thread titles

Feedback and information for X Rebirth VR Edition

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Sparky Sparkycorp
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Guide to creating thread titles

Post by Sparky Sparkycorp » Fri, 4. Aug 17, 11:19

Hi there,

When creating new threads, please follow the following style guide to help Devs address topics promptly. While XR VR threads are all housed under one forum, this will help us all keep a track of topics of interest.

Thank you in advance.

1. If your game is modified in any way please made that clear in any case you're giving feedback on issues you have encountered (listing each mod/save edit used). That helps players and Devs better understand and respond.

2. When reporting bugs, or feedback on areas for improvement, please use one thread per issue. That helps us keep related posts together and helps Devs as different ones may work on different topics.

3. Please start with the game version relating to your topic in square brackets. E.g. [4.20 HF1].

4. Please then add a summary word/phrase like "BUG - ", "ISSUE - " or "FEEDBACK - ".

5. Please add the short description of the topic.
. If you ever notice that your bug/issue has been addressed/fixed, please add "- FIXED" to the end of your title if a Dev/Mod hasn't done so already.


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