Interior walking

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Should X4 have stations' interior walking feature or not?

Do not care
Total votes: 210

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Post by Commander SAMU » Mon, 28. Aug 17, 21:54

I voted for don't care because I think they implemented similar stuff already and so its easy to put it in.

But to make that feature interesting every station should look different and have something special (which means a lot of work). Otherwise its just cool for the first few visits and afterwards its just annoying if you are forced to visit to do missions etc.

Communicating with NPCs on stations from cockpit would be enough for me.

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Post by Observe » Mon, 28. Aug 17, 21:56

Walking is fine if there is a valid reason to do so. Even walking to see the sights can be enjoyable, if it is a "living" environment of the kind that you would enjoy exploring in real life. I expect Rebirth set the groundwork for a robust off-ship experience, if the developers choose to expand on it.

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Post by ishmaeltheforsaken » Mon, 28. Aug 17, 21:59

Yes. This was the best new feature of X Rebirth.

In X3 I felt like a spaceship, not a person. Being able to walk around in the back of my ship and on stations did wonders for immersion. I totally get complaints about its necessity, and I'm 100% on-board with being able to do things remotely over comms, but I also want to be able to chill out on my HQ to manage my empire rather than being forced to perpetually be a cockpit.

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Post by Nanook » Mon, 28. Aug 17, 22:12

I voted yes, just as long as it's not like Rebirth. Here's what I'd like to see:

1. Bars where you could sit down with a potential client to get a mission of some sort while ordering a drink if you wish. Face to face interaction is the best way to get potentially shady or secret missions.

2. Shops to actually do trades, but I don't mean the worthless 'inventory item' trading in Rebirth.

3. Shops to buy stuff for your current ship(s). Let the player haggle with the merchant (but not using the silly minigame as in Rebirth).

4. Showrooms where you can buy/sell ships, with the ships being sold perhaps displayed as holograms on pedestals like the ones we had in Rebirth for the Skunk, but better.

5. All of these places having proper NPC merchants/NPC's with whom to interact, giving a lot more life to the universe.

It's these kinds of interactions that change the game from a 'spreadsheet' to a living universe, IMO.

In other words, like we had in Privateer, but in 3D. :)
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Post by Loltak » Mon, 28. Aug 17, 23:00

Like some here I vote yes, however it should be optional for most of the time; I think it was said during the stream.
It's nice sometime to break the routine; walking into stations gives a bit of life in the space :)

Even if I did ALL mini-games for the agents, I hope there will be an other solution.

However, it could be cool if some station have some special area or whatever which could be find by exploration.
But If I correctly understood the stream, stations will be smaller so that could be difficult. But for me it's a bonus when all others things are done ;)
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Post by Kitty » Mon, 28. Aug 17, 23:27

Interior walking of stations in Rebirth is one of the 2 main reasons I do not play XRebirth !
Honestly, if we are obliged to get out of the ship and look our fugly character crawl slowly in complex but still unrealistic stations, I'll probably won't buy the game. This is a total pleasure killer.
Thus, my answer is not a small "no, please don't", it is a mandatory NO. If you absolutely want that players can do it, it ought to be optional, be it a general option or whaterver.

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Post by spankahontis » Tue, 29. Aug 17, 00:50

pjknibbs wrote:My vote is "no", as it has been whenever the subject of FPS sections in an X game comes up. I think it's entirely unnecessary, and no, Tharrg, just making it optional does *not* suffice, because they still have to waste time developing the feature, time that would be far better spent in other areas of the game IMHO.

Some of us like the feature so compromise is going to be that it'll be limited.
Getting rid of it entirely is a huge step backwards and those that use it suffer because others want things their way. Simply isn't enough People to pressure Egosoft into scrapping it.

Every new X Game will have new features, having walk around stations and ships greatly increases the options of what they can bring to the game.
That it'll take away from what happens in space is (For the moment) pure conjecture.
Nanook wrote:I voted yes, just as long as it's not like Rebirth. Here's what I'd like to see:

1. Bars where you could sit down with a potential client to get a mission of some sort while ordering a drink if you wish. Face to face interaction is the best way to get potentially shady or secret missions.

2. Shops to actually do trades, but I don't mean the worthless 'inventory item' trading in Rebirth.

3. Shops to buy stuff for your current ship(s). Let the player haggle with the merchant (but not using the silly minigame as in Rebirth).

4. Showrooms where you can buy/sell ships, with the ships being sold perhaps displayed as holograms on pedestals like the ones we had in Rebirth for the Skunk, but better.

5. All of these places having proper NPC merchants/NPC's with whom to interact, giving a lot more life to the universe.

It's these kinds of interactions that change the game from a 'spreadsheet' to a living universe, IMO.

In other words, like we had in Privateer, but in 3D. :)
1) That would be reason enough for me to keep it.
Having a Captain or an Engineer behind a bar simply because they couldn't be bothered to add a barman in Rebirth really got under my skin and summed up the lost opportunity in making station walking appealing to do.

2) Really annoyed me that they built a Car Showroom in Shipyards with a space vehicle on display and everything, but instead they had the ship builder sitting in the crew quarters when they could of made that showroom accessible rather than just window dressing.

Their talk of Station modules that now clip together like lego? To add a module that is a Traders Market, or even better.. Be able to hire Traders to sell items (Need a living quarters module for them to stay.
I've always wanted to see Item Trade become part of the economy through resources, micro-factories or modules that specialize in Item production; where you are able to sell resources to make those item goods and deliver them to your Trade Module retailers. That would be a remarkable expansion to the economy mechanics if item trading simply wasn't an 'item spawn' economy like in Rebirth.

3) I like the idea of again having mechanic modules that once built, you hire a Mechanic, Engineer etc. to run the Shop, inside it would be a landing pad (Where Medium/Below) ships land on top, a lift takes them down and inside is the stores where a Mechanic would be sitting there and you do business.
- To get away from mini-games, maybe a feature that gives your character his own personal profile?
- Just as you would give virtual seminars to improve aspects of your crew, your own stats in say.. Haggling? Improve with successful haggling, balanced by Egosoft so you slowly earn your way to being a pro haggler.
- Haggling could be a series of dialogue Vs Percentage chance of success? Maybe you can have a string of successful haggles that reduce/increase your price, each level of negotiations becoming harder than the next.
- You gain experience which levels you up to the next star rating 5=Best giving you a greater chance of winning Haggle attempts?
- Teladi are naturally skilled negotiators, they give you the best chances to score experience points, Humans are a mixed bag of experienced/poor traders, Split/Paranid are mixed but are also bad tempered and failing chances are less than the other 2 races, but experience points in success yield greater rewards.

4) Covered this, the showrooms where in Rebirth, but were never used which was a terrible decision on the part of Egosoft. Made me feel that this was their plan all along and they ran out of time?

5) I totally agree, made me wonder where they kept their stock when you bumped into a junk dealer as you left your ship?
But shop/retail modules can only be the beginning of what could be achieved here.
The Mini-games was rubbish, but imagine if it was redone in an environment, say.. A Casino??? Fruit Machines to win Credits, Lottery Tickets, real mini-games in a casino atmosphere? That should be looked into. having them on small talk was a waste of time and repetitive.

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Post by xirsoi » Tue, 29. Aug 17, 05:39

I love it, I find it greatly adds to immersion that I can walk around on a station or ship and see stuff going on out there. I feel like a powerful executive or pirate admiral surveying the fruits of their labor; a mighty corporate/illicit machine working to further my ambitions and goals :twisted:
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Post by ZaphodBeeblebrox » Tue, 29. Aug 17, 09:10

We now have the idea of crews on stations.

So crew need stuff to keep them happy.

So a little bit of the high street in space.

Clothes, food, wines, beers, phones, games consoles etc etc etc.

We find stuff in space and/or there are dedicated manufacturers. Walk to the station market place and sell the stuff.

The crew morale improves and production goes up. A whole new tier of secondary or even tertiary goods.
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Post by lostProfitssssArrgh » Tue, 29. Aug 17, 09:25

"Yeah! Space stations with blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the blackjack!"


It's a tough call for you guys at ES. Given the replies, it's either fully implement 1st person to make it meaningful/useful, or keep it where it is. Maybe there's a third way : give modders the necessary hooks to do whatever they want with it - but I'm guessing you thought of that already.

*Plink!* 2 cents.

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Post by blotunga » Tue, 29. Aug 17, 14:43

No. It's a useless feature which just diverts effort unnecessarily from more important stuff. Also what do I hear, that the Borons are out because of this? Hell no!

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Post by euclid » Tue, 29. Aug 17, 15:33

An optional feature similar to fps, including 3rd person view, character customization etc. , would open the game to a much larger player base. It would also add to the individual game play and immersion.

Just imagine you could have your own living quarters, showrooms/hangars for displaying captured ships, crew quarters etc. all as a part of your HQ.

However, it would require an entire new big chunk of code and I doubt it will be feasible.

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Post by lostProfitssssArrgh » Tue, 29. Aug 17, 15:41

50 + Yes! At this point.

For the sake of transparency, I'd be curious to see if a bunch of accounts created today voted for this poll (maybe Mods already check for that). The results wouldn't have to be made public of course.


<There wasn't, and we would see it if some party excessively tried to use multiple or spurious new accounts just to influence a forum poll - which seems rather farfetched anyway. Alan Phipps>

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Post by Premislaus » Thu, 31. Aug 17, 10:43

There is some oportunity for constant milking game via DLC (Paradox DLC policy):

- FPS mini game, maybe boarding enemy ships, station.
- Our base - similar to home from Fallout or Skyrim.
- Craft your garage through asteroid.
- Some ships randomization... Like posters with Boron playmate ;).

For a moment I played Eve Online, unfortunately I do not have time for MMO games. I really liked the fact, that you could set up your own character.

BTW interiors and aliens looks great in upcoming X4.

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Post by 7V4sDuCq » Thu, 31. Aug 17, 11:16

Vote to nope.
Because Egosoft small dev, shouldn't waste resource on pointless walking. if they realy want to do that, try make it smaller, maybe 2-3 chambers like bar or shop just nearby the parking area, it should be enough.

I'm kinda surprised that over half people vote yes.
If Egosoft is a big company with over 200 employees, the interior area is good idea. but people should know the dev is small group who has only limited time and resource, if they've work on interior area, which means other funtions would be ignored or cancelled.
Last edited by 7V4sDuCq on Thu, 31. Aug 17, 12:46, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by CommanderTM » Thu, 31. Aug 17, 11:44

7V4sDuCq wrote:Vote to nope.
Because Egosoft small dev, shouldn't waste resource on pointless walking. if they realy want to do that, try make it smaller, like 2-3 chambers like bar or shop just nearby the parking area, it should be enough.

I'm kinda surprised that over half people vote yes.
If Egosoft is a big company with over 200 employees, the interior area is good idea. but people should know the dev is small group who has only limited time and resource, if they've work on interior area, which means other funtions would be ignored or cancelled.
In next game we are getting capital ship bridges and other ship interiors. That would be wasted without the walking aspect so i think people, like me, who voted yes for it, voted because of the possibilities the next game could have instead for how the XR handeled it.

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Post by GCU Grey Area » Thu, 31. Aug 17, 12:33

I like walking around ships & stations. Makes me feel more like a pilot & less like a sentient spaceship (which, incidentally, was the primary reason for picking this particular username back in the days of X2 - ships had cockpits & bridges but no crews). On balance enjoyed this aspect of the game in XR, though think it could have been better. Main gripe for me was the random distribution of NPCs & having to wander aimlessly until I found the particular NPC I was looking for. Think it would have been MUCH better if it had been easier to predict where specific NPC types would be located - e.g. if ship crews were always found in the barracks, mission contacts in the bar, traders in shops, etc.

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Post by Graaf » Thu, 31. Aug 17, 18:45

CommanderTM wrote:In next game we are getting capital ship bridges and other ship interiors. That would be wasted without the walking aspect so i think people, like me, who voted yes for it, voted because of the possibilities the next game could have instead for how the XR handeled it.
We already had capital ship bridges and cockpits in X2. Even without walking it isn't wasted.

The only reason your're getting "interiors" is because they still want walking to be in the game. So you probably also get minigames to have something to do other then walking around for no reason. IMHO wasting time and resources (interiors) to support the waste of time and resources (walking).

Having the Boron back I find a far better use of time and resources. And it's a lot easier without the ability to walk.

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Post by Player » Fri, 1. Sep 17, 02:47

CommanderTM wrote: In next game we are getting capital ship bridges and other ship interiors. That would be wasted without the walking aspect so i think people, like me, who voted yes for it, voted because of the possibilities the next game could have instead for how the XR handeled it.

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Post by dingbat91 » Fri, 1. Sep 17, 04:23

I'd personally say yes, simply as it induces a level of scale that I adore and why I loved the capital ship bridge mod for XR and the "open top" docking area's (with forcefields). it gave a way to see the true size and scale of ships and stations. if you can have a parallel observation deck along the shipyard that would be AMAZING!

However I'd prefer to make sure I wasn't punished for NOT walking around the station. If I need to talk to someone On-station I'd prefer a more lore based reason (even something as simple as a deal/mission that they don't want broadcast over comms but "you've been a pal so I'm giving it to you") occasional kind of thing rather than just a flat bonus simply for doing it

It gives a feel of validity to the purpose of it rather than "Because I can see your face in real life compared to on a comm screen and you said some things about the Xenon I'm going to give you a 5% discount!"

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