DLC Idea

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DLC Idea

Post by CaptainCanuck » Sat, 20. Apr 24, 10:24

Hello Egosoft and fellow pilots.

I have a bit of an idea and couldn't find any mod for this but I think it would deserve a DLC. I am quite sure this would be something special and fantastic.

We have many gamestarts now for X4 that cover well almost every race in the game. There is even a game start that teaches Piracy.

So how about a DLC that introduces a new playable pirate faction. Some of us want to be very very naughty players however it's scope is limited. You are your own faction and play how you want. I don't see a problem with this but consider this. A DLC that Starts you off as a minor Pirate faction. I'll use Yaki for example. In the game you get the choice of
Destroying them or helping them to become traders.
This is ok but I think it falls short of what a pirate faction can be capable of.

So you start out as your own pirate faction and everybody hates you (well maybe a little). You have your own battery of Pirate faction specific ships; fighters, corvettes ( I see a use here for a minelaying corvette or frigate) and some support ships like light carriers (fast and agile) and of course something like a battle cruiser. A campaign where you must meet the following conditions.

1 - grow your own pirate faction to a specific size,
2 - Help other pirate factions with the purpose of amalgimating that faction into your faction
3 - While this is all happening you are at war with of course the xenon and have a current war with one of the other factions, lets say the Terrans.
4 - As the game progresses, other factions really start to get teed off with you and start a skirmish war that eventually goes into full blown conflict.

I really think this would open up a very large kettle of worms.

Could even call it --- wait for it --- Rise of the Pirate Factions

What do you Piratey people think

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Re: DLC Idea

Post by Wargear » Sun, 21. Apr 24, 01:54

A capital idea you posted! Beyond that I'd like to see a Teladi DLC storyline like the Split/Curbs or Paranid Plot storyline as well. Perhaps a MIN/SCA conspiracy... And as always, the Yaki need some long overdue dev love like becoming a viable full fledged faction.
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Re: DLC Idea

Post by EGO_Aut » Sun, 21. Apr 24, 07:19

The pirate DLC exists, its called "Tides of Avarice ".
There you can start as "pirate" chipmonk.

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Re: DLC Idea

Post by CaptainCanuck » Sun, 21. Apr 24, 15:33

I am very aware of Tides of avarice. It teaches you the mechanics of piracy. Im talking about a full blown pirate faction, with a full roster of Pirate ships. I'd be looking for specific things like setting up pirate raids, Having access to pirate faction specific ships and tech, not existing ones.

Sure you can have your faction as Pirate however it does fall short of going beyond of what Tides offers.

The Syndicate are no different than any other faction, I don't think they are expansionist like the other races. Only 1 Erlking, Barbarosa Hybrid Freighter and destroyer. No Frigates, no Corvettes so that would definately not entail a Pirate fleet.

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