Tides of Avarice - stranded in space suit

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Tides of Avarice - stranded in space suit

Post by vlasticz » Sat, 3. Sep 22, 06:04

Hi guys and gals,

I'm sure this have been brought up here for couple of times but I cant find any relevant info. I did couple of those "stranded" start missions and now Im stuck. I guess Im too old for this and naively expect smooth design but can anybody tell me how to frickin kidnap or whatever im supposed to do with that destroyded destroyer while im left just in my spacesuit pls?

Im sure this info is not enough but Im so frustrated, just let me know what details I can provide. I would love to go through that but it's harder than last mario level

Thanks so much!

EDIT: I've been doing the same mission couple of times over and it always fails at some point (usualy different one) so I also suspect an unsuspected bug :rant:

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Re: Tides of Avarice - stranded in space suit

Post by DanKara » Sat, 3. Sep 22, 06:49

vlasticz wrote:
Sat, 3. Sep 22, 06:04
but can anybody tell me how to frickin kidnap or whatever im supposed to do with that destroyded destroyer while im left just in my spacesuit pls?
With only these information I can't recognize where or at what mission you are at in the CRIME- (or CUR-) plot?
Can you tell what your last succesfull steps were and what is currently expected from you?

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Re: Tides of Avarice - stranded in space suit

Post by vlasticz » Sat, 3. Sep 22, 06:59

Sure, thanks alot! I basically I just begun, I jumped through some hoops and I got to a point where I was supposed to hack a storage room, so after couple of fails I did so and then I was needed to defend the pirate mothership as if I was any power over it and all of of a sudden there were the invisible ships attacking here and there but doing nothing really (For a second I thought it's gonna be another epic khaak battle) and then the battle ship got blown up and i got ejected from my ship and was supposed to "look for something useful while im there" :)

thanks again, I hope that helps at least a bit :)

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Re: Tides of Avarice - stranded in space suit

Post by vlasticz » Sat, 3. Sep 22, 07:08

Here's a pic of what it looks like when I'm moving to the ship, sorry for the quality I just loaded last save:


edit: also im not sure about the gamestarts abbreviations so here's what I started it as

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Re: Tides of Avarice - stranded in space suit

Post by DanKara » Sat, 3. Sep 22, 08:56

Ah ... there you are ... and indeed that mission went wrong.

After hacking the storage terminal the station will have floated some ressources that freight drones from the Arcadian Endevour (pirate mothership) should collect. The AE getting destroyed is not supposed to happen (but does so for some unlucky players where Maestro's ship is parking to close to the station). Reload and restart that mission... or accept that plot as 'failed', you don't loose out on anything essential. ... and with any (X-) game: save often, save early (, save in different slots).

After that hacking the mission requires you to collect some of the floated/stolen ressources. That will also trigger some hostile ship/drones and the AE starting their freight dromes to collect some more stolen goods (irrc).
That mission order to 'defend AE' (probably meant to defend the collecting freight drones) ... I never done or tried. Instead I would try to get their aggro and lead them around (and away from AE). One thing I also never tried: going out of sector may speed up the process of collecting the stolen/floated ressources and may render defense drones harmless?

('Stranded' is but defining your starting point. That entry mission ended with you leaving the prison at the side of Axiom and was flawlessly brigdeing you into one of the main plot lines involving Maestro, Axiom and Ace and their group of independent pirates, the 'Cur'. This plot is but the best 'tutorial' the game has now to offer, imho.)

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