War of Intervention mission

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War of Intervention mission

Post by Killzad » Wed, 9. Aug 23, 16:44


Question: If I don't clear the way from enemy for the TER fleet they will never reach the Yaki HQ?

Am asking this because when the fleet appeared and entered Hactiva's choice 1 the three Tokio's started pounding on a HOP builder which has so much shield regen that they will never take it down. The Spear of Odin Asgard then alone reach the jump gate to Tharka's Cascade where he got in a fight with Xenon i was taking out all S/M class Xenon ships to speed his move. But then two K's one of which got taken down but the other took out the engines of the Asgard and after two minutes the Spear of Odin is gone. And now one of the Tokios move alone to Tharka's Cascade which am expecting to get blown in 2 minutes as well like the Asgard.

Question 2: if this initial fleet dies before it gets to the Yaki, will the TER send new fleet or that's it my mission is halted indefinitely?


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Re: War of Intervention mission

Post by BitByte » Wed, 9. Aug 23, 17:52

They may need some assistance against Xenon from player to reach the Yaki HQ. But you can take your time and other factions may also assist in case they have power and get fight with TER in their way.

If 1st fleet gets destroyed there comes more. TER won't give up so easily.

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Re: War of Intervention mission

Post by Gimbutz » Wed, 9. Aug 23, 20:07

That story decision is not a "Destroy Yaki" button, that's true. Think of that fleet as an opportunity. You can support it to reach the Yaki if you really want to get rid of them. You can attack the fleet when it's in enemy territory to take over some Terran ships. The fleet is sourced from other Terran defence fleets that have to be rebuilt, so you can sell the Terrans lots of ship building materials if it keeps getting destroyed. Or you can wait until the Terran defences are depleted and then try to take over their sectors.

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Re: War of Intervention mission

Post by rudi_pioneer » Thu, 10. Aug 23, 17:39

Or my favorite, start Terran argon war, then fleet on way to yaki will keep bulldozing argon & Antigone as well

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