Old thread - Age of x-ers, X Nostalgia

General discussions about the games by Egosoft including X-BTF, XT, X², X³: Reunion, X³: Terran Conflict and X³: Albion Prelude.

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Old thread - Age of x-ers, X Nostalgia

Post by Xebec22 » Sun, 26. Nov 23, 18:07

I somehow just came across an old thread from Jan 2004 here discussing the age of people playing X at the time: viewtopic.php?t=20027

The thread was necro'd then locked early this year (2023). The thread hit me with a bit of nostalgia because I was certainly playing X2 at the time of the thread, and was a much younger 27 then. It's amazing how much time flies...

Hopefully a lot of the people from this thread are still around and enjoying X.

I have enjoyed X since the beginning (Beyond the Frontier) - it felt like the next generation Elite in 1999, and has continued to evolve. I loved the various races, ships, and places to explore, and the "big box" for the game had some really nice goodies. I never could catch that UFO (which was also on the poster for XBTF but never explained?).

X2 seems a bit special as it was the only one of the three with real scenes on planets (a fly away / star wars rear gunner scene), and the storyline had scenes on spaceships / in rooms with folks like Ban Danna, etc.. where IIRC X-BTF, X-Tension, and X3 (Reunion) all had their 'in game cutscenes' in space only with remote cameras for dialogue. I also always wondered what the Player HQ was going to be in 'X2 The Return', which I believe was not a feature in X3 Reunion.

That said I still loved X3:R and X3:TC, though my X3 enjoyment was cut short by a hard drive crash about half way into X3:TC so I never revisited X until Rebirth.. Today, X4 is of course great.

Anyway thanks for letting me get this out. I really appreciate the enjoyment Egosoft has brought me for nearly 25 years with the X Series. I even met a (now) 'lifelong' friend on the forums here back in early 2004.


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