Chris Roberts new project... Star Citizen

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Re: Chris Roberts new project... Star Citizen

Post by mr.WHO » Sat, 28. Oct 23, 16:37

Mailo wrote:
Sat, 28. Oct 23, 15:13
Honest question, because I really do not understand it: What makes this so special compared to the other myriad of free-for-all PvP games, almost all of which failed miserably (only exception I can think of is EvE, but there you have at least HighSec)?
Plus I simply don't understand how somebody can be amazed by SC "freedom" when X2, X3 and X4 exist for ages.

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Re: Chris Roberts new project... Star Citizen

Post by Veantur4 » Sat, 28. Oct 23, 19:14

Mailo wrote:
Sat, 28. Oct 23, 15:13
Veantur4 wrote:
Sat, 28. Oct 23, 12:18

This is an example of why I think Star Citizen is a special game. Yes it is an alpha and it is still full of bugs and many promises have not yet been fulfilled, but it is the freedom that makes the game special.

It reminds me so much of Ultima Online when you meet other players you have the freedom to decide if you want to start a friendly conversation or kill them and loot their stuff.
You just have to be willing to live with the consequences.
Hmm ... the first thought when watching that video was "Is that guy tapdancing? Why are his footsteps so quick, and not in sync with the animations?", followed by "Holy lag teleport, Batman". Also, to me that is pretty much the epitome of bad gameplay. Yes, the player who shot the video might have gotten some giggles from ganking an unsuspecting player, the guy on the other side probably just had his night (or week, or month, depending on how long it will take to get the stuff he lost back) ruined.
Even if I did like PvP, I think I would find this bad ... the other guy had no chance to fight back, and the attacker did not even do anything special to get this blind kill ... no hiding, no setting of traps, no tactics. He just runs up, instakills the other guy with no danger or challenge to him, and steals his stuff.

I personally am so so glad I did not fall for it way back when and did not back the "successor to Wing Commander", because this is about as far from Wing Commander as you can get and still be a computer game.

Honest question, because I really do not understand it: What makes this so special compared to the other myriad of free-for-all PvP games, almost all of which failed miserably (only exception I can think of is EvE, but there you have at least HighSec)?

you propably never played UO pre trammel
Then you would understand the thrill of an open pvp full loot game, by the way there are safe zones in star citizen. In any open pvp full loot there is one rule - take only the stuff you are ready to lose. But not everyone has to like that, it's probably good that you don't play Star Citizen.

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Re: Chris Roberts new project... Star Citizen

Post by Cpt.Jericho » Sun, 29. Oct 23, 00:46

If full looting was so much fun for the majority of the online world, more games would encourage seal clubbing. It's not part of the vast majority of online game for the simple reason that it doesn't pay off in them long term financially. A thing OU understood. Once SC can't rely on more funding from some fundraising campaign - what do you think will be the first "feature" that's going to be cut? The one that deters casual and paying costumers; shortly before they add lootboxes... :mrgreen:
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Re: Chris Roberts new project... Star Citizen

Post by Chips » Sun, 29. Oct 23, 12:22

Veantur4 wrote:
Sat, 28. Oct 23, 12:18

This is an example of why I think Star Citizen is a special game. Yes it is an alpha and it is still full of bugs and many promises have not yet been fulfilled, but it is the freedom that makes the game special.

It reminds me so much of Ultima Online when you meet other players you have the freedom to decide if you want to start a friendly conversation or kill them and loot their stuff.
You just have to be willing to live with the consequences.
Firstly, until it's released, it's not a "special" game, as it's not a game.
Secondly, for people like me who signed up on the day of announcement and backed it - there was NO mention of PvP first world person shooter. This bloat-creep has delayed what should have been *special* by a decade and counting.

I have zero interest in running around planet surfaces "having to watch my back" for random pvp encounters (also, why bother, i'll blast the tiny body and ship they've got near, so stranding them, from the air, in a space ship - if I can't, then what "freedom" is that?).
I heard in the video demo from t'other day "real time travel between cities" - who comes up with these ideas. In my personal spare time I'm going to have to sit infront of my computer, simulating being sat on a fricken tram line, for 5,10,15 minutes to give "realism"? I wanted to fly around in space, not realise they're spending 90% of the time creating cities to *walk* around, planet surfaces to arbitrarily fly around because "pretty and realism" - when it really isn't (physics says hello) and a first person shooter aspect that's done to the death by plenty of first person shooter games, but seems to be the overwhelming focus of their efforts and demonstrated outcomes.

You see special, I see catastrophe based on bloat creep and, unless there's more to it, pointless "gameplay realism" that's just time sinks for time sink reasons. Now true, I've not kept abreast of it nor watched all the vids, so maybe they address all this and I've nothing to fear other than spending months of my time to achieve not a lot.

You and others are wholly entitled to be excited and think it's the best thing since sliced bread. But don't be surprised when others aren't, or don't share enthusiasm for specific aspects of the "game" that's been demonstrated so far. It really doesn't feel like "progress" to have basically created yet another FPS game.

I do think they'll release Squadron 42 within a year or two though - because they'll need the cash injection from sales of a standalone game module to continue to fund the car crash project management of Star Citizen. From what's being shown and demonstrated, it feels like the game has pivoted massively over the years as FPS games are biggest segments compared to space sim genre, therefore biggest cash return on outlay, and that's what has driven direction rather than fulfilling the original advertised/promised game aspects. E.g. they could have developed the *space* game and introduced FPS aspect as expansion.

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Re: Chris Roberts new project... Star Citizen

Post by mr.WHO » Sun, 29. Oct 23, 13:37

Honestly, with FPS segment, I'm suprised they haven't added the Battle Royale or Exctraction Shooter mode/mission yet.

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Re: Chris Roberts new project... Star Citizen

Post by Veantur4 » Sun, 29. Oct 23, 19:23

Mailo wrote:
Sat, 28. Oct 23, 15:13
Veantur4 wrote:
Sat, 28. Oct 23, 12:18

This is an example of why I think Star Citizen is a special game. Yes it is an alpha and it is still full of bugs and many promises have not yet been fulfilled, but it is the freedom that makes the game special.

It reminds me so much of Ultima Online when you meet other players you have the freedom to decide if you want to start a friendly conversation or kill them and loot their stuff.
You just have to be willing to live with the consequences.
Hmm ... the first thought when watching that video was "Is that guy tapdancing? Why are his footsteps so quick, and not in sync with the animations?", followed by "Holy lag teleport, Batman". Also, to me that is pretty much the epitome of bad gameplay. Yes, the player who shot the video might have gotten some giggles from ganking an unsuspecting player, the guy on the other side probably just had his night (or week, or month, depending on how long it will take to get the stuff he lost back) ruined.
Even if I did like PvP, I think I would find this bad ... the other guy had no chance to fight back, and the attacker did not even do anything special to get this blind kill ... no hiding, no setting of traps, no tactics. He just runs up, instakills the other guy with no danger or challenge to him, and steals his stuff.

I personally am so so glad I did not fall for it way back when and did not back the "successor to Wing Commander", because this is about as far from Wing Commander as you can get and still be a computer game.

Honest question, because I really do not understand it: What makes this so special compared to the other myriad of free-for-all PvP games, almost all of which failed miserably (only exception I can think of is EvE, but there you have at least HighSec)?

Does this one fit you better?

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Re: Chris Roberts new project... Star Citizen

Post by Mailo » Sun, 29. Oct 23, 23:15

Veantur4 wrote:
Sun, 29. Oct 23, 19:23
Does this one fit you better?

Bounty hunter tries to get the bounty
ground to air combat and rare loot
Are you sure you wanted to quote my post to reply to, and not this one on a different forum? Seems a bit weird that you use identical responses in different conversations, almost as if the main purpose isn't actual discussion, but instead to push your view counts on your Youtube channel?
And this response was definitely not the first time, see here?
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[ external image ]

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Re: Chris Roberts new project... Star Citizen

Post by segmentationfault » Tue, 31. Oct 23, 11:30

Chips wrote:
Sun, 29. Oct 23, 12:22
You and others are wholly entitled to be excited and think it's the best thing since sliced bread. But don't be surprised when others aren't, or don't share enthusiasm for specific aspects of the "game" that's been demonstrated so far. It really doesn't feel like "progress" to have basically created yet another FPS game.
I don't know about Squadron 42 since I have not played it but I wouldn't call Star Citizen as FPS game. Star Citizen is a first person game but I don't even remember when I (we) got into shooting last time.

I do play FPS quite much in Arena Commander: "Elimination" and "Gun Rush", but also tank battles in "Tank Royale".

Star Citizen is a special game for me and there is no other game which provides the same experience. That could be said for many other games as well of course.

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Re: Chris Roberts new project... Star Citizen

Post by Arsaneus » Sun, 5. Nov 23, 20:19

Hard to imagine it's been 11 years. By now I almost have fully lost interest in the "Star Citizen" part and only want the SQ42 part. It simply doesn't look like anything anymore like they said it would be at the beginning. It looks amazing but there's just too much in it that isn't for me these days.
Even the FPS segments in the latest SQ42 were.. unexpected. I hope it remains mostly like the good old Wing Commander games and doesn't use these "variations" too much.

I'm replaying Wing Commander Saga these days and that's exactly what I want from SQ42 - with all the bells and whistles of a big budget of course.

Not saying anything is bad about what the game (SC) looks like right now - but it simply isn't for me anymore. I'll play SQ42 but I think that's it...

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Re: Chris Roberts new project... Star Citizen

Post by felter » Tue, 7. Nov 23, 22:34

Has this piece of %$&^ still not been released, I remember when was stupid enough to buy this, and it promised that you would need a 670 graphics card to run it at the recommended specs, bet you can't do that now, but that it still has not been released shows just how bad it is, it must be coming up to being 10 years late now, and they are still scamming people for their money.
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Re: Chris Roberts new project... Star Citizen

Post by Youngman » Thu, 9. Nov 23, 14:28

Hi All :)

felter wrote:
Tue, 7. Nov 23, 22:34
Has this piece of %$&^ still not been released, I remember when was stupid enough to buy this, and it promised that you would need a 670 graphics card to run it at the recommended specs, bet you can't do that now, but that it still has not been released shows just how bad it is, it must be coming up to being 10 years late now, and they are still scamming people for their money.
:rofl: You're not the only one!
I contributed to Chris Roberts's 'kickstarter', I was one of the first to contribute IIRC, to the tune of £60 :oops: . As the saying goes "A fool and his money are easily parted". :roll:
And as another saying goes (From 'Scotty' in Star Trek), "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me". Well...he only fooled me once, so the snake oil salesman isn't going to get another penny from me. I also contributed to the Frontier Elite kickstarter around the same time, again IIRC. I'm still playing and enjoying Elite, what a difference between one developer (David Braben) and another. At least David Braben generally fulfilled his obligations.
As you say, he's still raking it in (CR), though I haven't logged into my account at CRSI for at least 8 years, I just think what's the point *shrugs*. I just wanted a complete Squadron 42 game, as 'promised or described'. :(

Oldman :)
(I had problems with logging into my old account here awhile back, so had to re register with a new one if anybody was wondering about my username :wink: )

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