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Post by burger1 » Tue, 5. Mar 13, 04:05

Brown University creates first wireless, implanted brain-computer interface
http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/1498 ... vLQ.reddit

Extinction level comet might hit mars in October 2014 impact might be visible with the naked eye from earth
http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/geekquin ... 54184.html

http://www.economist.com/blogs/babbage/ ... eaded-mars
quote from above link
"Mr Plait estimates that its impact should yield a blast equivalent to that of a billion megatons of TNT. It would be an event on the same sort of scale as the impact that drove the dinosaurs extinct 65m years ago. If it really is that big, and if the comet were to hit the side of Mars facing Earth (it seems that it might do, but it might also hit the far side), then the blast could well be visible to the naked eye, even in daylight."

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Post by burger1 » Sat, 9. Mar 13, 17:59

veti-gel something like Mass Effect’s Medi-Gel
http://kotaku.com/5989585/wow-someone-i ... e-medi+gel
quote from link above
According to Mother Nature Network, Joe Landolina, a college student at NYU, has invented something called "Veti-Gel." Apparently it speeds up the clotting and healing process, enough that "even wounds to internal organs or major arteries are able to close up instantaneously.

Unclassified and unidentified' life found in Antarctic lake
Russian scientists claim to have found new "unclassified and unidentified" life forms after drilling through almost 4km (2.3 miles) of ice to reach a hidden lake in Antarctica.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/scie ... -lake.html

University of Connecticut professor has patented a technique to manufacture nanosized antenna arrays that have the capability to efficiently convert sunlight into usable electric power.
In theory, these very small antenna arrays can harvest over 70 percent of the sun’s electromagnetic radiation and convert it into electric power. They are called “rectennas” due to their ability to absorb the alternating current induced by sunlight and directly rectify it to direct current. In contrast to existing solar silicon solar panels which mainly work within a specified band gap, rectennas can be tuned to harvest sunlight in the whole solar spectrum which makes it very efficient.
http://www.solarpowertoday.com.au/effic ... tenna-220/
Last edited by burger1 on Sun, 10. Mar 13, 16:34, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by burger1 » Sun, 10. Mar 13, 16:33

Man sends remote controlled plane into space - video
http://www.wunderground.com/news/RC-pla ... ace-030813

Unclassified and unidentified' life found in Antarctic lake a result of sample contamination not new lifeforms
http://phys.org/news/2013-03-russia-lif ... e.html#jCp

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Post by T.S.Zatoichi » Sun, 10. Mar 13, 18:04

Falkland Islands hold referendum on disputed status. http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/10/world/ame ... index.html
People living in the Falkland Islands are voting in a referendum on their political status on Sunday and Monday at a time of heightened tensions between Argentina and Britain over their sovereignty.
Lets see what the crazy lady says when they choose to stay British.
"I'm shocked! Shocked to learn that there is gambling going on in here!"
"Your winnings, sir."
"Oh! Thank you very much."

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Post by burger1 » Wed, 13. Mar 13, 23:19

New hybrid car engine design concept - Wave Disk Generator
http://www.nbcnews.com/id/42460541/ns/t ... jN4.reddit

New project aims to upload a honey bee's brain into a flying insectobot by 2015
http://io9.com/5948202/new-project-aims ... ot-by-2015
Won't these mechanical bees get eaten by animals?

Brain Researchers Can Detect Who We Are Thinking About
http://www.scientificamerican.com/artic ... MQo.reddit

ukranian military killer dolphins with guns escape - can also use knives
http://pix11.com/2013/03/12/three-kille ... z2NO27nNLo

Bioshock movie stopped
http://www.shacknews.com/article/78191/ ... compromise

growing new teeth - Cells taken from adult human gums can be combined with cells from the molars of fetal mice to form teeth with viable roots
http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles. ... New-Teeth/

More HIV 'cured': first a baby, now 14 adults
http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn2 ... nline-news

Nuclear reactor invented that can run off of nuclear waste - a pair of MIT scientists believe they've found not only a better way of eliminating nuclear waste but recycling the deadly detritus into enough clean electricity to power the entire world until 2083
http://gizmodo.com/5990383/the-future-o ... clear-past

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Post by burger1 » Sat, 23. Mar 13, 22:02

Universe is very lopsided may be evidence of the universe before the big bang.
http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronom ... years.html

http://www.preposterousuniverse.com/blo ... -universe/

Pentagon’s blue-sky research agency (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)) starts 4 year project to build self teaching machines
http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2013/03 ... earning-2/

Mayor Bloomberg says surveillance drones are inevitable in NYC: 'get used to it'
http://www.theverge.com/2013/3/24/41415 ... ble-in-nyc
- reminds me of the novel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four

IBM creates liquid-based transistors that can process data like the human brain
http://venturebeat.com/2013/03/21/ibm-c ... 51Xsg0F.16

For the first time scientists have printed human embryonic stem cells using a 3D printer. The Heriot-Watt University team's research could eventually lead to human organs being printed on demand and an end to animal drug testing.
http://www.reuters.com/video/2013/03/24 ... nel=118065

Not really new news but weird - Dancing Plague of 1518
Last edited by burger1 on Mon, 25. Mar 13, 05:12, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Morkonan » Mon, 25. Mar 13, 00:05

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Post by Morkonan » Wed, 27. Mar 13, 14:55

Man Awarded $8000 after being stranded on ride A wheelchair-bound man was awarded $8,000 by Disneyland after the "It's A Small World" ride broke, stranding him for a half hour while the theme song played continuously, according to an attorney for the plaintiff....
This is as close to Hell on Earth as it gets, folks.

I shall explain.

Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kecy46a-d6o

I've been on that ride. In Florida, the only reason to ever go on that ride is because it's air conditioned, dark, cool, slightly damp and you will be on the ride for something like ten minutes. With 110 deg F heat and Florida essentially being one giant friggin swamp, you'd kick a kitten to get on that ride after being in the park all day... I have NO friggin idea why anyone would want to ride if if they were in California.

But, it's subtle.. It entices you with its cool darkness, then the memories torture you for the rest of your life. That song.. that song.. IT WON'T LEAVE ME OMG KILL ME NOW! I'm not kidding - I would rather stick a broom through a hole in my tongue than ride that ride again.

That poor soul was trapped on that ride for half an hour!

That man deserves one and half bajillionz dollars.

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Post by Morkonan » Thu, 28. Mar 13, 02:20

(Worthy of a thread, but some may not think so.)

The heaviest DDoS internet attack in history is taking place right now!
Anti-Spam group under one of the worst cyberassaults in history

Some Internet users are finding themselves collateral damage in a war between one of the world's leading anti-spam groups and a Dutch Web hosting company in what is being called one of the Internet's biggest attacks.

The distributed denial-of-service assault, which started March 15, is resulting in slower Internet speeds and difficulty in accessing websites for some in Europe, and to a lesser degree, the U.S., although most users are not affected. Access to Facebook, Twitter and other social networks in the U.S. appears to be normal despite the ongoing turmoil....

"This the largest DDoS attack we've seen," Matthew Prince, CEO and founder of CloudFlare told NBC News Wednesday. CloudFlare is a website performance company that is working with the victimized anti-spam organization, Spamhaus. The attack, he said, "is significantly larger in volume than large attacks we've seen against U.S. financial institutions or organizations like WikiLeaks."

Steve Linford of Spamhaus told the BBC that the scale of the attack is "unprecedented," peaking at 300 gigabits per second. Normally, he said, "when there are attacks against major banks, we're talking about 50 gigabits per second.".......
(Emphasis mine.)
The Biggest Cyber Attack In History Is Taking Place Right Now

Internet speeds around the world have noticeably slowed down due to a massive "distributed denial of service" attack, reports the BBC.

These DDoS attacks bombard targeted web servers with so much dummy traffic that people trying to access a site for legitimate purposes are unable to do so. It's most analogous to a traffic jam on a highway with no one able to move....

The attacks were focused on a company called Spamhaus, which maintains a "domain name system" to connect a typed-in URL to the correct server hosting the appropriate content. With this company's services compromised, large portions of the web became less stable....
Spamhouse targetted by most powerful DDoS strike in history

Spamhaus, a nonprofit organization with headquarters in both London and Geneva, was founded in 1998, with the goal of identifying and helping to block large quantities of spam. According to its website, Spamhaus currently maintains several large block lists, which are used by a range of universities, Internet service providers, military institutions, and corporations to shield computers from the "vast majority of spam sent out on the Internet." ....

Meanwhile, over at VentureBeat, John Koetsier agrees that the 300 gigabites per second of incoming data does constitute the "biggest-ever DDOS attack." But he points out that the scale of the attack was largely confined to Western Europe; thus far, the US remains largely unaffected.
Spamhous tracks email servers used by spammers and then reports them to subscribers so that administrators can add those servers to their spam-blocker lists. Apparently, some people aren't too pleased with this ongoing activity. Cyberbunker is suspected of collaborating with nefarious elements to help facilitate the attacks against Spamhous.

To put this in a meaningful perspective for the rest of us, consider the fact that this is all being undertaken by private concerns and it's arguably the worst DDoS cyberattack in 'net history. (By rate, not area effected.)

In a cyberwar, with nation-states as the players, this could effect critical services for an entire country.

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Post by red assassin » Thu, 28. Mar 13, 16:07

While certainly an extremely heavy attack (traffic rates of 300Gbps are pretty nuts for a single event), well-executed (making good use of the well-known security problems with open DNS resolvers), and enough to bring pretty much any website down without the assistance of a provider like CloudFlare with a truly vast amount of bandwidth at its disposal, I should point out that the hysteria about it affecting the core of the internet seems to be entirely unfounded.

DDoS attacks affecting the functioning of nation states have happened already, too, and I can only assume we'll see more. Arguably, though, there's much worse damage that could be done than simply DDoSing somebody off the internet for a while.
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Post by Morkonan » Fri, 29. Mar 13, 04:10


The face of gaming to come: Youtube: Activision GDC Demo: Real-time character demo

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Post by warlordfallen » Sat, 30. Mar 13, 11:00

104 year old vists israel.. prepare her new hip she hasnt looked at pictures. i think. that at 104 if you wana travel to somewhere you haven't seen, you should be checked in a home... ateast shes taking family along. though at her age be more like dimestic staff at this point.
Trader Mark 4, (9000) Chuck Norris needs your help, i have docked at Xenon 101 station and now they have all given up. what are your orders?

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Post by Morkonan » Sat, 30. Mar 13, 11:58

I don't intend to age gracefully. I will kick and scream, the whole way.

That's what she appears to be doing, denying age the satisfaction of robbing her of the ability to enjoy life. I think it's great!

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Post by warlordfallen » Mon, 1. Apr 13, 06:07

Morkonan wrote:I don't intend to age gracefully. I will kick and scream, the whole way.

That's what she appears to be doing, denying age the satisfaction of robbing her of the ability to enjoy life. I think it's great!
'how did old morkonan die?'

'oh he flipped his vett'

something like that? lol
Trader Mark 4, (9000) Chuck Norris needs your help, i have docked at Xenon 101 station and now they have all given up. what are your orders?

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Post by burger1 » Wed, 3. Apr 13, 00:17

3d transparent computer
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/02 ... 79425.html

$25 Raspberry pi computers (very small basic computer) sell out in US in hours
http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/02/tech/inno ... y-pi-sale/

new passive radar system can detect stealth planes, etc...
http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/201 ... h-aircraft

Scientists reverse ageing in mice
http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2010/ ... ice-humans

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Post by Morkonan » Tue, 9. Apr 13, 06:44

Yeah, we shoot stuff with lasers...
Navy unveils powerful ship-mounted laser weapon

The U.S. Navy announced Monday that it is preparing to deploy a new weapon that can disable a hostile boat and even destroy a surveillance drone overhead — all without dispensing any expensive ammunition.

It is the Navy's Laser Weapons System (LaWS), a laser mounted on a ship that is so strong it can ignite a drone, sending it crashing and burning to earth in mere moments.

The USS Ponce, an amphibious transport docking ship, will be the first Navy vessel to deploy with the LaWS, officials announced Monday....
[ external image ]

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Post by Rug » Tue, 9. Apr 13, 14:37

The USS Ponce ?????


Surely even in the US, ponce is a somewhat derogatory term ?

I like to think everyone just wants to feel human.


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Post by Morkonan » Tue, 9. Apr 13, 17:55

Rug wrote:The USS Ponce ?????


Surely even in the US, ponce is a somewhat derogatory term ?

That term isn't really used much in the US. The ship is named for Ponce, Puerto Rico: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Ponce_%28LPD-15%29

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Post by Morkonan » Tue, 9. Apr 13, 21:29

I think this is worthy of its own thread, but it may only get a brief discussion, so I'll put it here:
Yuri's Night is Coming! April 12'th!

This week, space geeks around the world will celebrate the historic flight that made Yuri Gagarin the first person to leave the confines of Earth 52 years ago.

"Yuri's Night" (celebrated annually the week of April 12) commemorates Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin's first flight with parties and special events honoring more than five decades of human spaceflight. This year, festivities will take place on Friday, with some lasting into the weekend and next week....
Yuri's Night World Space Party Headquarters!

Find a party to attend, here: http://yurisnight.net/find-a-party

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Post by Morkonan » Sat, 13. Apr 13, 01:05

Jonathan Winters dies at 87

The man was truly a comedic genius. He could find a laugh in anything and for spontaneous improv comedy, there was none better.

I'm just glad to have lived to find the laughs I found, courtesy of Jonathan Winters. The world is now a little less than it was. But, it's always growing...

The King is dead, long live the King.

Johnathan Winters interviews on TVLegends

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